Supporting gente navigating the life and death cycles of sexual health, reproductive health, and trauma transmutation.
Radical Authenticity
From the trenches of the mountain pass, along the cliff’s edge, all the way up to the peak, I will walk steadily beside you. We will find beauty in your truths, no matter how ugly or profane others have convinced you that they are. Your most genuine sense of self in the flow of energy that makes up your nervous system. This is where you will hear the voices of your ancestors, the joy of your spirit, and the determination to build a new foundation to navigate this world.
Radical Vulnerability
Get comfortable with discomfort so that you can find the medicina in your experiences. No one can take the steps for you. You must feel the call from your spirit, mind, or body. Whether it’s a delicate tug on your arm, a booming voice in your mind, or a magical connection to your soul, you’ll know when you’re ready to become the fullest sin vergüenza you can be! I’ll create a strong fortress where you can rest, play, and work on yourself. This is your time to come through, to take up space, to level up!
Radical Care
Our relationship must be open and honest with clear boundaries. You will be deeply cared for and supported but not told what to do. I’m not a therapist and this is not talk therapy. Instead you will be guided on your path to find your own truths. It is my gift to gently hold your feet to the fire so that you can strengthen your own intuition, your own voice, and your own connection to yourself.