Embodiment Coach/ Consejera
If you want to work one-on-one with me as your embodiment coach or consejera, outside of the doula or workshop offerings, you’ve come to the right page!
Some Things To Know
if you feel like you get easily stuck in one emotion or another and that emotion highjacks your day.
if you are ready to further your progress toward trauma transmutation connected to sexual and/or reproductive health.
if having a baby feels as though it has disconnected you from yourself, your sexuality and/or your partner and you are ready to reclaim your life force.
if you’ve experienced an abortion or loss and would like support outside of your home.
if you’re experiencing residual trauma from previous medical procedures.
if your health feels unbalanced and disconnected from its natural rhythms for any reason and you are ready to further your journey towards wellness.
if you are curious and want to learn more about your own nervous system, sexual health, and wellness.
Assessing your physical and energetic wellness and alignment.
Holding a safe, trauma-informed space for you to reflect on your experiences and goals.
Somatic Experiencing to tap into the wisdom of your body.
Utilizing Curanderismo to tap into the wisdom of your spirit and ancestors.
In-depth discussions about your nervous system.
In-depth discussions about the personal, collective, and historical traumas created and continued by colonization, slavery, white supremacy, racism, capitalism, sexism, heteronormativity, patriarchy, and imperialism.
Receive homework to do based on what surfaces during our sessions.
Masters degree in Public Health (MPH)
Certification as a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP)
Over 20 years of experience in the field of behavioral health, working with diverse, underserved communities.
Ongoing Student: Lineage of Maestra Rita, Mexico
Apprentice: Curanderismo : Lineage of Maestra Cuauhtli Cihuatl : Kalpulli Teocalli Ollin, Albuquerque, NM
Mexican Traditional Medicine Postpartum Doula: A Cerrar Las Caderas: Panquetzani of Indigemama and Indigescuela
Mexican Traditional Medicine: Matriz y Concha, Self Sobadas, Advanced Sobadas: Panquetzani of Indigemama and Indigescuela
Practitioner of Somatic Experiencing: Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute
Mentee of Thea M. Lee, M.A., LMFT, SEP, ISPP: Healing personal, collective, and historical traumas, Minneapolis, MN
Danzante in the Mexica/ Nahuatl /Tolteca Tradition and Philosophy : Kalpulli Yaocenoxtli, Twin Cities, MN
Sex Educator and Practitioner of Women’s Holistic Sexuality : The Artemis School, online and in person, Venice, CA
Abortion Doula : The Spiral Collective, Twin Cities, MN
Birth Doula : Enlightened Mama (Dona), St. Paul, MN
Yoga Teacher : Sivananda Ashram, Woodburn, NY
Personal Trainer Certification Program: University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM
What People are Saying…
“I worked with Daniela during deep quarantine from the COVID-19 outbreak and following the murder of George Floyd here in Minneapolis. We had to do everything via zoom to stay safe but my sessions were a calming, supportive space where I could simply be and return to my body after so much disruption. Daniela has a gentle yet effective practice which brought me into deeper awareness of my own body/womb and what it is trying to tell me. I am so grateful for the words of wisdom that have stuck with me for days, weeks and months since then!”
MSV Services are Rooted in Social Justice, Aimed at Decolonization
Whether you are a business or an individual, all services will be rendered from a healing justice framework that centers the experiences of Black people, Indigenous People and all People of Color (BIPOC). This includes those who identify as Latinx, Hispanic, and Chicano. The experiences of those who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Transgender, Queer and/or Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Two Spirit, and more (LGBTQIA2S+) are also centered within MSV’s offerings. Through this lens, Daniela works toward the decolonization of sexual and reproductive health. This framework will be evident in everything from the structure to the content of our work together. If you would like to know more about how this applies to the services you are interested in, please reach out!